Excel formulas
Excel formulas

The remainder is calculated using the function “=MOD(A2,3)”. In the first example, we have divided 10 by 3.Let’s now have a look at the examples below for better understanding. The MOD() function works on returning the remainder when a particular number is divided by a divisor. Incorporating “4” in the function provides the maximum result. Similarly, “=SUBTOTAL(4, A2: A4)” selects the cell with the maximum value from A2 to A4, which is 12. Hence, the above function will give the average of A2: A4 and the answer to it is 11, which is stored in C5. As you can see, the function used is “=SUBTOTAL(1, A2: A4), in the subtotal list “1” refers to average. In the example above, we have performed the subtotal calculation on cells ranging from A2 to A4. Depending on what you want, you can select either average, count, sum, min, max, min, and others.

excel formulas

The SUBTOTAL() function returns the subtotal in a database. Moving ahead, let’s now understand how the subtotal function works. To count the number of blank cells present in a range of cells, COUNTBLANK() is used. However, COUNTA() does not count any blank cells. If you are required to count all the cells with numerical values, text, and any other data format, you must use the function ‘COUNTA()’.

excel formulas

But since the COUNT function takes only the cells with numerical values into consideration, the answer is 3 as the cell containing “Total Sales” is omitted here. It does not include the cell, which is blank, and the ones that hold data in any other format apart from numeric.Īs seen above, here, we are counting from C1 to C4, ideally four cells. The function COUNT() counts the total number of cells in a range that contains a number. It automatically calculates the average, and you can store the result in your desired location. As seen from the below example, to find the avg of the total sales, you have to simply type in “AVERAGE(C2, C3, C4)”. The AVERAGE() function focuses on calculating the average of the selected range of cell values. This automatically adds up 300, 385, and 480. Here’s an example of it below:Īs you can see above, to find the total amount of sales for every unit, we had to simply type in the function “=SUM(C2:C4)”. It performs the mathematical operation which is addition. The SUM() function, as the name suggests, gives the total of the selected range of cell values. Let’s start with the first Excel formula on our list. In this article, we have categorized 25 Excel formulas based on their operations. Let’s now look at the top 25 Excel formulas you must know. We will look into the formulas and functions on mathematical operations, character-text functions, data and time, sumif-countif, and few lookup functions. There are plenty of Excel formulas and functions depending on what kind of operation you want to perform on the dataset. Let's proceed and learn the different types of functions available in Excel and use relevant formulas as and when required. As you can see, we didn’t use the mathematical operator here.Įxcel formulas and functions help you perform your tasks efficiently, and it's time-saving.

excel formulas

This example below shows how we have used the function - ‘PRODUCT’ to perform multiplication. The example below shows how we have used the multiplication formula manually with the ‘*’ operator. Functions in excel have names that reflect their intended use. Meanwhile, functions are used to perform complex calculations that cannot be done manually. They are closely related, but yet different. The two words, "formulas" and "functions" are sometimes interchangeable. There is another term that is very familiar to Excel formulas, and that is "function". In addition to these, you can find out averages and calculate percentages in excel for a range of cells, manipulate date and time values, and do a lot more. Excel formulas enable you to perform calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These formulas return a result, even when it is an error. In Microsoft Excel, a formula is an expression that operates on values in a range of cells.

Excel formulas